Classic Vertebrae Models
Cervical Vertebra Column
   Consists of occipital plate, the 7 cervical vertebrae with intervertebral discs, cervical nerves, vertebral arteries and spinal cord.  On stand.  Removable.
Thoracic Vertebra Column
   Consists of the 12 thoracic vertebrae with intervertebral disc, thoracic nerves and spinal cord.  On stand.
Lumbar Vertebra Column
   Consists of the 5 lumbar vertebrae with intervertebral discs, sacrum with flap, coccyx, spinal nerves and spinal cord.  On stand.  Removable.
No. SH236-AA.  Only $94.95 No. SH236-AB.   Only $94.95 No. SH236-AC.  Only $109.95

Sacrum and Coccyx
Life-size.  Assembled
Atlas and Axis
Life-size.  Comes with stand.
Hyoid Bone
Comes with stand
No. SH236-EA.  Only $43.95  No. SH236-EB. Only $41.95 No. SH236-EC. Only $32.49

2 Lumbar Vertebrae
    Flexibly mounted, with a prolapsed disk.  Comes with spinal nerves and spinal cord
3 Lumbar Vertebrae
Flexibly mounted, with a prolapsed disk.  Comes with spinal nerves and spinal cord
Atlas, Axis & More.
Comes with , cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Loosely threaded on nylon.
No. SH236-BA.  Only $35.95 No. SH236-BB. Only $45.95 No. SH236-BC. Only $59.95

6-Part Lumbar Vertebrate Set
   This realistic model details 2 lumbar vertebrae with spinal nerves, dura mater of spinal cord. The anatomy model includes 2 replaceable dorso-lateral prolapsed discs between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae. The Lumbar spinal column is delivered on a removable stand.
No. SH236-CA. Only $79.95

5 Lumbar Vertebrate
7 Cervical Vertebrate
Lumbar Vertebrate Model 24 Piece Vertebrate Set  
Lumbar Vertebrate Model
   This lumbar model includes a prolapsed intervertebral disc between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae. This high quality anatomical model of the lumbar spinal column is delivered on removable stand.
No. SH236-CB. Only $124.95
24 Piece Vertebrate Set
    This set is a worldwide unique original cast of human vertebrae with the most precise illustration of even the finest anatomic structures of the vertebrae, exhibiting excellent quality. The vertebrae set includes the 7 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar vertebrae. The spinal vertebrae are made of a bonelike materials that looks and feels like real bones.  Each vertebra is labeled for identification purposes (C1-7, T1-12 and L1-5)  The set is supplied in a strong transport and storage case with individual compartments for all 24 vertebrae. These vertebrae are excellent to use as a substitute for real bones for medical teaching purposes and patient consultation
No. SH236-DA.  Only $579.95
Set of 5 Lumbar Vertebrate
From the above set.
Set of 7 Cervical Vertebrate
From the above set.
No. SH236-DB. Only $199.95
No. SH236-DC. Only $199.95