2-Part Classic Brain
This brain is medially divided and structures are shown in one color. On
removable base. Life-size.
No. SH311-AA. Only $139.95
4-Part Classic Brain
This brain is medially divided. All structures are hand painted,
numbered and identified on a key card. The right half can be
disassembled into: frontal with parietal lobes, brain stem with temporal
and occipital lobes, half of cerebellum. Comes on removable base.
No. SH311-AB. Only $219.95
5-Part Classic Brain
This midsagittally sectioned anatomical model is an original anatomical
cast of a real human brain. The components of its left half are:
frontal and parietal lobe, temporal and occipital lobe, encephalic trunk
and cerebellum. On removable base.
No. SH311-AC. Only $219.95
8-Part Classic Brain
A very detailed model of the human brain which is medially divided.
Both halves can be dissembled into frontal with parietal lobes, temporal
with occipital lobes, half of brain stem, half of cerebellum. Comes
on removable base.