Human Kidney
Models |
Deluxe Giant
Kidney |
Premier Open Book
Kidney |
Deluxe Giant Kidney
This anatomical model of the kidney is three times life size.
Contrasting colors enhance comprehension. This vinyl plastic model
of the left kidney is parasagittally sectioned over three fourths of its
length. Illustrated in deep relief are the renal artery and vein, a
portion of the ureter, cortex, medulla, pyramids, pelvis, major and minor
calyces, internal blood supply and drainage. Nephrons are detailed in
contrasting colors with the distal and proximal convoluted tubules
somewhat simplified for clarity. Several loops of Henie with glomeruli are
also detailed in relief. 34 hand-numbered features are identified in
the accompanying key. Comes with base. 14 x 8 x 5 inches
NOTE: This is hand-made model, custom made to order. Please allow
4 weeks for delivery. |
No. SH445-AB. Only $334.95 |
Premier Open Book Kidney
Opens like a book. The vinyl plastic reproduction comes with adrenal gland and proximal portion of the ureter
and swings open to expose its internal anatomy, including the cortex, medulla, major and minor calyces,
renal columns, pelvis and ramifications of the renal artery and vein. Features are hand numbered and
identified in the corresponding key. Hinged kidney fully rotates on hardwood base and can be removed
for hands-on study. Overall dimension 5 x 5 x 12 inches. |
NOTE: This is hand-made model, custom made to order. Please allow
4 weeks for delivery. |
No. SH445-AA. Only $184.95 |
Kidney, Nephron and Glomerulus Set
Three vinyl plastic models on a single base consists of: the right kidney
scaled to three times life size and sectioned open; a wedge of the kidney
magnified approximately 120 times to show two nephrons with glomeruli and
tubules; and a single glomerulus magnified approximately 700 diameters
showing Bowman's capsule afferent and efferent arterioles and capillaries.
20 x 11 x 4 inches. |
No. SH445-CS. Only $389.95 |
Each of the three
models is available individually. They are listed below. |
3X Kidney Section This colorful and anatomically accurate, model depicts a
longitudinal section of the human right kidney. All important structures of the human kidney for student and
patient education are shown. The kidney is three times life size. No baseboard included with the basic
kidney section. |
Malpighian Corpuscle This model shows an open Malpighian corpuscle with glomerulus and
Bowman's capsule. The kidney malpighian corpuscle model is 700 times full-size and is mounted on a baseboard.
The kidney malpighian corpuscle model comes complete with a users manual. |
No. SH445-CA. Only $119.95 |
No. SH445-CC. Only $144.95 |
Nephron and Blood Vessels
The model depicts a section through a renal cortex and medulla. The nephron model features the renal
corpuscles with proximal and distal convoluted tubules, loops of Henle, colleding tubules and blood
vessels. The human nephron model is 120 times life size. The nephron and blood vessels model comes
with a users manual as well. | |
No. SH445-CB. Only $129.95 |
Oversize Kidney
Two times normal life-size longitudinal section of right kidney and adrenal gland. Model highlights renal
artery and vein, major and minor calyx, interlobular artery and vein, and ureter. Comes with patient
information card. Model Size:3-3/4” x 2-1/2” x 6-1/2” |
Diseased Kidney
This oversized 2-sided kidney model has a normal anatomy cutaway on one side and a diseased anatomy cutaway on the
other side depicting: infection, scarring, atrophy, urinary stones, tumors, polycystic disease and hypertension effects.
Comes with base and patient information card. Model Size: 3-3/4"
x 2-1/2" x 6-1/2" 3260 |
No. SH445-DA. Only $79.95 |
No. SH445-DB. Only $119.95 |
Kidney with Vessels |
Rear Organs of Upper Abdomen |
2-Part Kidney with Vessels
This kidney model shows the kidneys with suprarenal glands, the outgoing ureters, the renal vessels and the
large vessels situated close to the kidneys in natural size. The front half of the right kidney
can be removed to reveal the renal pelvis, the renal calices, the renal
cortex and the renal medulla of the human kidney. This high quality
model is a great tool for demonstrating the anatomy of the human kidney.
Comes with stand |
No. SH445-BA. Only $179.95 |
Rear Organs of Upper Abdomen
The upper abdomen organ model shows the duodenum (partially
opened), gall bladder (opened) and bile ducts (opened), the pancreas
(revealing large ducts), the spleen and the surrounding vessels in
natural size. The model illustrates the anatomy of the rear organs of
the upper abdomen with high quality craftsmanship. The model comes on
its own stand. |
No. SH445-BB. Only $189.95 |
Kidney with Rear Organs
This high quality kidney model with rear organs of the upper abdomen model combines both of the models shown
above, depicting the anatomy of the human urinary system and digestive system. The upper
abdominal organs are attached in their natural anatomical positions and are removable from the
kidneys. The model features many anatomical details of the kidneys and rear organs.
The front half of kidney is removable to reveal renal pelvis. Comes with stand. |
No. SH445-BC. Only $299.95 |
Micro Anatomy
Kidney |
Kidney Stone
Model EB |
Micro Anatomy Kidney
This is an extremely detailed which model shows the morphologic/functional units of the kidney.
The kidney structures are greatly magnified. Six model zones illustrate the following fine-tissue
structures of the human kidney that serve in the production of urine: (1) longitudinal section of a
kidney, (2) section of renal cortex and renal medulla of the kidney, (3) wedge-shaped section of a
kidney lobe with a diagrammatic depiction of three nephrons with Henle’s loops of different lengths
and diagrammatic depiction of the vascular supply, (4)diagrammatic illustration of a kidney nephron
with a short Henle’s loop and didactic/diagrammatic illustration of the vascular supply, (5)
diagrammatic illustration of an opened kidney renal corpuscle with nephron and light-microscopic
transverse sections of the proximal, attenuated and distal segments of a renal tubule and (6)
diagrammatic/didactic illustration of an opened kidney renal corpuscle.
Comes with stand. 23, 5x25, 5x19 cm |
No. SH445-EA. Only $314.95 |
Kidney Stone Model
This model is a helpful tool to inform patients about kidney stones
(nephrolithiasis) and urinary stones (urolithiasis). Shown in the kidney
stone model is an opened right kidney in natural size. The renal
calices, the renal pelvis and the ureter are opened as well on the
anatomy model so that concretions or stones can be identified in the
following typical positions within the kidney: (1) in the area of the
renal pyramids of the kidney, (2) in the area of origin of the upper
calix group, (3) in the renal cortex of the kidney, (4) in the
connecting tubule of the lower calix group, causing congestion of the
minor calices (partially closed, partially opened) in the kidney and (5)
in the ureter. Comes with bases that shows 4 original color
pictures of various kidney stones. 14 x 10 x 16.5 cm |
No. SH445-EB. Only $79.95 |